What can I do myself?
You may have already been searching the internet to find help for your issue or concern. There is certainly a lot out there!
If you need to speak to somebody right away you can call the Samaritans on 116 123, which is open 24 hours a day and is a FREE number. The Samaritans also have an online self-help app which you can access here.
Take a look on my notes about sleep. Getting a good nights sleep every day is important for good mental health.
Grounding technique
A really simple grounding technique is called the 5-4-3-2-1 Method.
The idea is to pause for a moment, notice the smaller things around you and make use of your senses.
Name 5 things you can see - Look out of a window, or at something up close to see the detail.
Name 4 things you can feel - What are you sitting on, what are your feet and hands touching?
Name 3 things you can hear - listen for background sounds like birds, traffic or the hum of your computer.
Name 2 things you can smell - You may smell perfume from someone walking past or lunch cooking.
Name 1 thing you can taste - roll your tongue around your mouth, what can you taste?
Now take a deep breath.
By bringing your attention to your senses, you are bringing your mind into the present and away from thoughts bouncing around your head.
Breathing technique
A simple breathing technique is called 4-7-8 Breathing
This can be useful when you are feeling anxious or panicking, it helps slow you and your heart rate down.
Exhale fully through your mouth
Inhale through your nose and count to four
Hold your breath and count to seven
Exhale through your mouth and count to eight
Repeat this four times.
Apps like Calm and Headspace offer guided meditations and access to hours of relaxation content, they have free trials available so you can give them a go before paying.