What is a counselling session like?
You may have lots of questions about counselling such as:
Where do I start, What do I say, Will I get upset, and how long will I need counselling for?
These are all perfectly natural questions and concerns. Talking to someone about issues that affect our lives is big stuff and can feel overwhelming. That’s okay, I am trained and here to help.
Typically counselling sessions are 50 mins long, they happen weekly and usually at the same time. This isn’t always the case and we will agree on a schedule that works for both of us.
We will have met for an assessment before our first session so we may have already explored some of what you want to talk about. You might be itching to talk or I’ll help you get started with a few simple questions. Nothing is ‘off-topic’ or out-of-bounds so you may feel ok to jump straight in, or prefer to dip into a subject. I will work however you feel comfortable.
If you get upset in a session that’s okay; we may be talking about an uncomfortable topic or revisiting a past memory that brings up emotions. When this happens we will explore those emotions and work with them, this can be an expected part of the process and I am okay to deal with it.
I am skilled in working in both short-term (2-8 sessions) and long-term (1 year +) counselling. We will normally both know and feel when the time is right to end our work together. In counselling, we will talk about ‘the Ending’ because it is as important as 'the beginning'; so we will review and discuss when it feels like the right time. You are free to stop a session or counselling at any time, there is no ongoing contract. If you want to end and we haven’t talked about it, it’s okay to bring it up.