What happens in session one?
Our first session will involve us agreeing on how we will work with each other. We will review the shared agreement and answer any questions you may have. This takes around 10 minutes.
You don’t need to bring a list or notes with you to session one, unless you feel that may help you. We will work together to find a focus for the session, you are in the driving seat and I’m right alongside you.
I will keep an eye on the time and look to bring things to a close with around 10 mins left for us to review the session and pack away anything so you feel okay to continue your day/evening. If you want to continue, we’ll agree the next session time and book it in.
After the session, it is good if you can have a few moments to gather your thoughts. Try not to book anything or allocate the time straight after a session to give yourself time to relax.
I use the time after our session to make a few brief notes, these are securely stored in my client archives and I will use them to refresh me before our next session. In line with data protection regulations you are free to request access to these notes at any time.
Once our sessions are over, I will keep these notes in an archive for 7 years after which time they will be destroyed.